Download the 2020 Advancing Industrial Hemp booklet

This booklet was released in conjunction with the 2020 Advancing Industrial Hemp event. The aim of this booklet is to share the latest information about successfully growing hemp.

Table of Contents

  • Organic, No-Till Hemp – Learn how to succeed with Andrew Mefferd’s regenerative hemp practices.
  • A Guide to Hemp Seeds – All you need to know about hemp seeds – from picking the right variety to avoiding false advertising.
  • 4 Common Pitfalls – There are four big issues hemp growers can face, so we asked experts for advice.
  • Cannabis Converts – Tobacco farmers are well-positioned to make the switch to hemp. Is your farm?
  • Farmers Who Leap – Real-world stories from farmers who are transitioning their fields to hemp.

Complete the form above to download the full guide today for free, and to receive updates about the 2020 Advancing Industrial Hemp event.

Connect Soil Health and Hemp

Advancing Hemp logo

Acres USA hosted the 2nd annual Advancing Hemp event on May 20, 2021. Now, you can purchase the event replay and not miss a single piece of information! This virtual event was designed to prepare farmers for successful hemp production through practical, applicable advice from industry-leading experts and growers. Learn more about the replay and its content here.

Book store 35% Off sale in March by Acers USA
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