Sponsored by: Green Lightning

We have innovated our farming protocols tremendously in the last century, going from horse plowing to tractor implements, natural manure to chemically made fertilizer, and hand harvesting to combine production. There’s always something new to bring to the farming industry, creating an easier, more profitable, and higher-yielding crop. 

In 2023, we spent over $20 billion on fertilizer. While conventional nitrogen helps promote growth in the plant, it is also killing the soil microbiome. Conventional fertilizer chokes out all the beneficial bacteria in the dirt that help the plant maintain good health. 

Is there an alternative?

Tom Dykstra, Ph.D., notes that “salt-based NPK fertilizers are designed to introduce nutrients into plants quickly and unnaturally. These nutrients, especially nitrogen, are always applied in excess and rely in no small part on the high electrical conductivity of the fertilizer in order to bypass natural root uptake mechanisms. What is often created is a plant that becomes a ‘drug addict’—dependent on the next dose and less able to fend for itself. Worse, the salts that bond with the nutrients are eventually released into the soil, thus compromising microbial health.” 

What if we could fertilize our crops with just air and water and raise the Brix to promote good plant health? 

“Green lightning produces its nitrogen predominantly as nitrates through a plasma process akin to the action of lightning in our atmosphere,” Dykstra says. “It creates a more pure form of nitrogen that is not attached to any salt and so lacks the undesirable side effects of a standard high-salt NPK fertilizer. It is intentionally designed to work slower but more naturally and more completely with other plant nutrients that can be included in each Green Lightning application or that may already be contained in the soil.” 

Green Lightning is now giving you the ability to produce nitrogen on your own farm using a machine that takes only air, water, and electricity. The end product from the machine can replace traditional nitrogen and is non-toxic with zero salts. The machine emulates a lightning storm, which causes the product to contain a percentage of nitrate and natural energy, which feeds the plant directly, as opposed to first having to be converted in the soil, then turned to nitrate. Green Lightning works like nature does when a lightning storm comes through. The machine can cut out up to 99% of your annual nitrogen cost. Our goal is to make farmers more profitable, productive, and successful while improving crop health as well as soil and water quality. 

Have you ever dreamed of having low input costs, excellent crop yields, and healthier ground? What about producing your own fertilizer from the air? Contact us at info@greenlightning.ag or visit greenlightning.ag  to place your order.