Key to High Yield is Available Minerals in Soil

Key to High Yield is Available Minerals in Soil

Soil is where life interacts with life and where life interacts with its environment. It is my sincere belief that we have not yet realized the full potential of soil. We are, in fact, still peeping through the keyhole.

Reams Principles: Feed the Soil, Feed the Plant, Feed the Leaf

Reams Principles: Feed the Soil, Feed the Plant, Feed the Leaf

As I learned the principles of Reams teaching, I began to make a connection. Everything he taught in the abstract with detailed theory ultimately led to specific actions and inputs. What started in the theoretical always ended up with practical application. After more time listening to Dr. Carey Reams’ audio courses it dawned on me that all these actions and inputs could be consigned to 3 basic ideas.

Preparing For Difficult Growing Conditions

Preparing For Difficult Growing Conditions

Developing a plan to mitigate the effects of difficult field conditions is essential for the farmer to survive and crops will need all the help they can get at the very start.