Planting By the Moon

Planting By the Moon

When the moon moves from new to waxing, water is being pulled more persistently from the soil and below into the realms of living beings. As the moon continues to grow in size toward full, the water content in produce, in our human bodies, within the living systems at work inside our livestock, and in our waterways and fields becomes denser, and the living communities and transport systems become more lubricated. This allows for an increase in the overall metabolism, growth rate and absorption potentials of plants and animals.

Proper Digestion Central to Health

Proper Digestion Central to Health

Because the gut is indeed central to the body, and is where substances most naturally enter and leave the body, taking steps to heal the gut can promote healing everywhere else in the body.

Impossible Burger: Not All It’s Cooked Up To Be

The Impossible Burger sizzles like a burger, bleeds like a burger and (almost) tastes like a burger. But this new burger has nothing to do with real meat. Journalist Mike Snow bites into this controversial topic.