Natural Lawn Care

Natural Lawn Care

In an existing landscape, the single most important effec­tive step one can take in creating a healthy lawn is to adopt proper mowing practices. Both public and private research has shown that this alone can control as much as 80 percent of potential weed problems.

The Simple Has Been Made Complicated

The Simple Has Been Made Complicated

The balance between growth and decay is the sole principle of stability in nature and in agriculture. And this balance is never static, never fully achieved, for it is dependent upon a cycle, which in nature, and within the limits of nature, is self-sustaining, but which in agriculture must be made continuous by purpose and by correct methods.

Agricultural Lessons from the Deer

Agricultural Lessons from the Deer

Under normal circumstances, deer do not “mow” or even really graze; they browse, seldom making obvious changes to their “pasture” or killing the plants. For example, when deer eat the tops off hardwood saplings, they leave one leaf — enough for the tree to re-grow its top. In my experience, they often come back and eat it again.

Dog Food: Healthy Alternatives

Dog Food: Healthy Alternatives

You can improve your dog’s health and behavior by easily and economically amending their current diet to provide nutritious meals your pup will find appetizing.

Meet The Sioux Chef: Revitalizing Native Foodways

Meet The Sioux Chef: Revitalizing Native Foodways

Having studied foodways from various cultures all over the world, Sherman wanted to focus his attention on the original foods of his own people. Like a Lakota superhero stepping out of a phone booth ready to defend his people and history, Sherman transformed into The Sioux Chef.

Bread From Stones by Julius Hensel

Bread From Stones by Julius Hensel

Even if the striking example cited makes it manifest that lime may in great part replace the alkalis in building up plants, giving to them the same form, and, indeed, making them of imposing size, nevertheless the quality and the internal worth of the products of the soil is considerably influenced by the difference in its basic constituents.