Dealing With Herbicide Drift

Dealing With Herbicide Drift

The degree to which crops are damaged from drift depends on the level of the susceptibility of the crop, its growth stage, environmental conditions, herbicide formulation, droplet size and the spray height above the target.

Branching Out: Fruit Tree Grafting

Branching Out: Fruit Tree Grafting

Fruit tree grafting has a long, noble history, and rightfully so. Both the ancient Egyptians and Chinese employed grafting methods thousands of years ago. The ability to take a preferred fruit and meld it onto a living tree that in turn produces the fruit has been extremely beneficial to farmers everywhere.

America’s Native Bamboo

America’s Native Bamboo

America’s native bamboos were originally found growing in various parts of the southeastern United States, depending on the species: from Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas on the western edge, along the southern boundaries of the Great Lakes north and east to New York and south along the coastal region to southern Florida and every state in between.

Growing Beans: A How-To Guide

Growing Beans: A How-To Guide

Beans are high in iron, potassium and magnesium, and are also an important source of protein and fiber. They are easy to grow, and, when dry, can be stored for long periods of time without losing viability if they are kept in a cool, dry, dark environment.

Crop Rotation: 7 Steps to Enhance Your Soil Life

Crop Rotation: 7 Steps to Enhance Your Soil Life

Crop rotation simply means changing the type of crop grown on a particular piece of land from year to year which includes cyclical and non-cyclical rotations. Good crop rotation includes planning ahead two or more years. A lack of planning can lead to problems including the buildup of soil-borne diseases or imbalances in soil nutrients and an increase in pests.

Companion Planting: The Magic of Corn, Beans and Squash

Companion Planting: The Magic of Corn, Beans and Squash

By Jeff Poppen Companion planting is an important part of any gardener or farmer’s planning. Recent discoveries in quantum physics, microbiology and ecology verify something gardeners have long known. Everything in nature is related. There are no solid lines...