How to Grow, Harvest and Use Lemon Balm

How to Grow, Harvest and Use Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is an exceptionally attractive herb that lights up any garden path. And while the flowers are not excessively showy and can at times give the plant a leggy or ragged appearance, they attract many beneficial insects to the garden. Lemon balm is not only a fragrant and flavorful culinary herb, but also a powerful medicinal that deserves a spot in every garden. If nothing else, the simple beauty of its soft, sculpted leaves and pleasant smell will do much to cheer up any gardener.

How to Reduce Transplant Shock on Your Farm

How to Reduce Transplant Shock on Your Farm

Avoiding transplant shock when transplanting starters from the greenhouse to the field is a key sustainable farming method. The time of year has once again arrived when we will be taking plants out of the greenhouse and transplanting them into the field.

Mole Control: DIY Trap Construction

Mole Control: DIY Trap Construction

Mole control methods range the gamut from simple and non-toxic to chemical-based and complex. My simple mole trap was founded on the basis of field trials and personal convictions I hold regarding the environment and its inhabitants. Prior research had been done early...
Methods for Weathering Drought

Methods for Weathering Drought

For many locations, heat and drought go hand in hand during the summer, and just about every year somewhere in the country heat waves and drought occur. Every farmer is bound to find themselves dealing with drought at some point. What constitutes hot temperatures depends on where you live. For Fairbanks, Alaska, 90°F is rare but has occurred.

Plant Stress & Proline

Plant Stress & Proline

We try to optimize fertility, irrigation, weed and pest management practices to achieve the best production under the constraints of environment and economics. However, it has become clear that plant stress comes from everything we try to control; it is additive and it can be cumulative — resulting in loss of yield and quality potential.