When Should I Test My Corn or Sorghum Plants?
There are three critical stages in corn (grain or sorghum) plants you should test around.
Deciding What Amount of Nutrients to Apply
This table shows the means (mass flow, diffusion or interceptive root growth) by which nutrients are taken up through the roots.
Understanding Solubility & Paste Testing
Soil testing for low exchange capacity soils will help you develop a system that holds enough nutrients and maintains colloidal balance.
No-Till Growing: Vegetable Production
Over the last 20-plus years of vegetable growing at Tobacco Road Farm in Lebanon, Connecticut, we have constantly sought ways to improve the health and vitality of our crops and soils, and going no-till has been part of that journey.
Quest for Quality: Growing Nutrient-Dense Crops
Based on soil tests, growers do this through a variety of methods, including cultural practices — such as proper hydration and soil temperature maintenance, minimal tillage, cover crops and crop rotation — and inputs, which range from rock dusts and sea minerals to compost, inoculants and foliar feeds.