Winter Poultry Care

Winter Poultry Care

Take stock of your flock facilities and management techniques for successful winters to come.

Poultry Hacks for the No-Fuss Flock

Poultry Hacks for the No-Fuss Flock

Yes, even concerning chickens, there are practical hacks — hacks and what old-timers might call tricks of the trade. One that comes to mind is the practice of wing clipping to prevent fully feathered birds from flying up and over enclosures.

Common Causes of Chicken Stress

Common Causes of Chicken Stress

Stress in poultry manifests in three forms: physical, emotional and psychological. Stress stems from single elements: toxins, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, dyes, antibiotics and basic synthetic chemicals in the air, feeds, water and cleaning agents.

Kunekune Pigs: Perfect for Small Farms

Kunekune Pigs: Perfect for Small Farms

Kunekunes are grazing pigs and are able to grow on low inputs, making them an ideal breed during periods of escalating grain prices. Gourmet chefs in Los Angeles have declared Kunekune pork outstanding.

Heritage Pork Breed Selection Considerations

Heritage Pork Breed Selection Considerations

For the longest time hogs were broken into two categories; bacon-type and lard-type. In the industry such terms fell by the wayside long ago, but are still heard once in awhile being used by someone way behind the curve.

Pigs on Pasture: Water & Shelter

Pigs on Pasture: Water & Shelter

Pig farmers are an ingenious bunch. If you think you have a new idea, it has probably been done in some way before by a like-minded thrifty farmer. I’m constantly surprised at the success that small-scale farmers have with an incredible variety of setups for their hogs. What works for you and your pigs is what matters most.