Pasture Vs. Shed Lambing

Pasture Vs. Shed Lambing

There are many factors to consider when deciding which system of lambing will work best for you. Climate, feed costs and available labor are should be weighted heavily. Disease and predation should also be taken into account, as well as available markets and market highs and lows.

Pastured Turkey Tips

Pastured Turkey Tips

A turkey trio, a tom and two hens, will produce a good number of eggs during a laying season that can begin in early spring and continue into late summer. They won’t lay like Leghorn hens, but a single breeding trio may be all that is needed to fill the local demand for some turkey varieties.

Chicken Breed Basics

Chicken Breed Basics

The first question raised about bantam chickens is, “Of what good is a little chicken?” Certainly they are ornamental and have been taken up by many exhibition breeders for the challenge some of the colors and feathering patterns in bantams represent.

Mob Grazing Sheep

Mob Grazing Sheep

Acres U.S.A. reader query: I am looking for information on mob grazing sheep. I am most interested in how it is done; what kind of fences or techniques will hold sheep in; and what kind of animal impact results. When mob grazing is written about it is almost...
Drought Planning: Grassland Preservation

Drought Planning: Grassland Preservation

Drought planning and preparation should be a priority for most ranching operations, as ranches are likely to be located in areas of natural grassland and one of the formative factors for grasslands is erratic mois­ture availability.