As we produce grass-fed meat that was properly managed, we also sequester carbon. As we increase our soil organic matter by only 1 percent, we gain 20,000 gallons of water-holding capacity per acre. This is a real game changer in the West certainly, and in all environments.
Dr. Nasha Winters is the founder, CEO and visionary of Optimal Terrain Consulting. She is a naturally board certified naturapathic doctor, licensed accupunturist and a fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology.
Listen in as Acres USA’s Fred Walters leads a discussion between Dr. Vandana Shiva, a peace and food health advocate who came all the way from India, André Leu, president of IFOAM, who came from Australia, and Ronnie Cummings, founder of the Organic Consumers Association, an international group focused on real change in our food supply.